Journals published by International Press

Acta Mathematica

4 issues per year. Since 2017.

Established in 1882. Published by the Institut Mittag-Leffler, of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Produced and distributed in print and online by International Press from January 2017.

Arkiv för Matematik

2 issues per year. Since 2017.

Established in 1903. Published by the Institut Mittag-Leffler, of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Produced and distributed in print and online by International Press from January 2017.

Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

8 issues per year. Since 1997.

Publishes original papers on all topics in which theoretical physics and mathematics interact with each other.

Algebraic Geometry and Physics

2 issues per year. To begin in 2024.

Focused on algebraic geometry and its interactions with mathematical physics

Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

3 issues per year. Since 2016.

Publishing high-quality papers, presenting innovative ideas that could lead to new methods, directions, or understanding in various fields of science.

Asian Journal of Mathematics

6 issues per year. Since 1997.

Original research papers and survey articles on all areas of pure mathematics and theoretical applied mathematics.

Beijing Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

4 issues per year. New in 2024.

Publishes original research papers of the highest quality in all fields of mathematics and related fields, including applied mathematics and mathematical physics.

Cambridge Journal for Junior Scientists

2 issues per year. To begin in 2024.

Dedicated to providing a dynamic platform for high school students to showcase their research, creativity, and analytical skills across a wide range of academic disciplines.

Cambridge Journal of Mathematics

4 issues per year. Since 2013.

Publishing papers of the highest quality, spanning the range of mathematics with an emphasis on pure mathematics.

Communications in Analysis and Geometry

10 issues per year. Since 1993.

High-quality papers on subjects related to classical analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and topology.

Communications in Information and Systems

4 issues per year. Since 2001.

High-quality papers on subjects including information and coding theory, cryptology, decision and estimation, control theory, mathematical system theory, signal and image processing, bioinformatics, and much more.

Communications in Mathematical Sciences

8 issues per year. Since 2003.

Modern applied mathematics in the fields of modeling, applied and stochastic analyses and numerical computation—on problems that arise in physical, biological, engineering, and financial applications.

Communications in Number Theory and Physics

4 issues per year. Since 2007.

Focused on the applications of number theory in the broadest sense to theoretical physics.

Current Developments in Mathematics

Annual Book. Since 1995.

Selected lectures from the annual Current Developments in Mathematics (CDM) seminar, hosted jointly by Harvard University and M.I.T., and surveying the most recent developments in all areas of mathematics.

Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations

4 issues per year. Since 2004.

Publishing novel results in the areas of partial differential equations and dynamical systems in general, with priority given to dynamical system theory or dynamical aspects of partial differential equations.

Geometry, Imaging and Computing

2 issues per year.

Publishing papers on differential geometry-based modeling/computation in 3D and higher dimensions, with applications to imaging, computer visions, and graphics.

Homology, Homotopy and Applications

2 issues per year. Since 1999.

Focused upon homology and homotopy within algebra and topology, and as applied to the mathematical sciences.

Journal of Blockchain Research

1 issues per year. Since 2022.

Publishing original research and review articles on all aspects of blockchain technology and its principles and applications.

Journal of Combinatorics

4 issues per year. Since 2010.

Publishing high-quality research papers on all branches of combinatorics and related areas, dealing with the structural, as well as algorithmic, aspects of these subjects.

Journal of Differential Geometry

9 issues per year. Since 1967.

Publishing the latest research in differential geometry and related areas of differential equations, mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, and geometric topology.

Journal of Symplectic Geometry

6 issues per year. Since 2001.

Publishing high quality papers on all aspects of symplectic geometry.

Mathematical Research Letters

6 issues per year. Since 1994.

Dedicated to rapid publication of complete papers of original research in all areas of mathematics.

Mathematics, Computation and Geometry of Data

2 issues per year. Since 2021.

Covering the development of mathematical foundations, modeling, and computational techniques related to data.

Mathematics, Science, History and Culture

2 issues per year. Since 2013.

A Chinese-language magazine presenting scientific news and advances, while introducing the history of various ideas that have brought together mathematics and science, and advocating the fusion of mathematics with science, history and culture.

Methods and Applications of Analysis

4 issues per year. Since 1994.

Publishing high-quality papers on topics within the broad area of pure and applied analysis, ranging from applications to different branches of natural sciences and engineering.

Notices of the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians

2 issues per year. Since 2013.

The official periodical of the ICCM organization. Bringing news, research, and presentation of various perspectives related to Chinese mathematics development and education. For all who are interested in following Chinese mathematics.

Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

6 issues per year. Since 2005.

Publishing high-quality, original papers and survey articles on all fields of mathematics.

Statistics and Its Interface

4 issues per year. Since 2008.

Exploring the interface between the field of statistics and other disciplines, including such fields as biomedical sciences, geosciences, computer sciences, engineering, and social and behavioral sciences.

Surveys in Differential Geometry

Annual Book. Since 1990.

Original contributions on specially chosen topics pertaining to differential geometry and related areas, from lectures presented at a geometry-topology conference hosted jointly every third year by Harvard and Lehigh universities.