Methods and Applications of Analysis

Volume 7 (2000)

Number 1


On the continuation of periodic orbits

M. B. H. Rhouma and C. Chicone

pp. 85-104

Stationary periodic patterns in the 1D Gray–Scott model

David S. Morgan, Arjen Doelman, and Tasso J. Kaper

pp. 105-150

Hopf bifurcation of travelling pulses in some bistable reaction-diffusion systems

Tsutomu Ikeda, Hideo Ikeda, and Masayasu Mimura

pp. 165-194

On the unimodality and the bell-shape of noncentral distributions

Andrea van Aubel and Wolfgang Gawronski

pp. 233-250

Numerical verification method for solutions of the perturbed Gelfand equation

Teruya Minamoto, Nobito Yamamoto, and Mitsuhiro T. Nakao

pp. 251-262