The hha class file hha.cls is a LaTeX class file designed to produce articles for Homology, Homotopy and Applications. Be sure to always use the latest version available from our website. Also, please follow the style guidelines.
The file is used in a very similar way to the standard amsart article class, and automatically includes the amsmath features. It has some differences, mainly in an extended range of "front matter" commands to specify authors, addresses, received dates, and other such information.
A typical file may start something like the example shown below. You can also download this sample separately. All of the requested information must be filled in, except where noted.
% See for further instructions. % Please follow the style guidelines at \documentclass{hha} % Use \documentclass[nothms]{hha} if you do not want the standard % theorem environments defined. This is required if you use the % cleveref package. If you wish, you can define the standard theorem % environments after loading cleveref using the \hhathms command. % Please do not include unused packages or macro definitions. % Please remove all commands that affect geometry and spacing. % We recommend using hyperref, and prefer that you do not adjust the % settings below. This should generally be the last package you include, % except that cleveref should come later if you use that. See below % for how to handle math symbols in (sub)section titles. \usepackage{xcolor} \colorlet{darkgreen}{green!40!black} \usepackage{ifpdf} \ifpdf \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} \else \usepackage[ps2pdf]{hyperref} % or dvipdfmx, if you use that \usepackage{breakurl} \fi \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue,citecolor=darkgreen, linkcolor=darkgreen,linktocpage,bookmarksnumbered,unicode} \begin{document} % Title of document, usually lower case except for first word and % proper nouns. Avoid unnecessary symbols. \title{Title of article} % If the title is too long for the running head, use the following % command to specify a short title: %\shorttitle{Shorter title} % First Author \author{First Author} % First Author's email address. Must come before \address. \email{fauthor@some.domain} % First author's address. We recommend using the most current address possible. % Do not end with a period. \address{Mathematics Department, Some University, Street Address, City, Region, Postal Code, Country} % If needed, use a \thanks command, but not inside the author command. % This should be brief, with longer remarks at the end of the introduction, % as shown below. % \thanks{The first author was supported in part by a grant.} % Second Author. \author{Second Author} % Second Author's email address. Must come before \address. \email{sauthor@some.domain} % Second author's postal address. Do not end with a period. \address{Some Department, Other University, Street Address, Boston, MA 02139, USA} % Additional authors done in the same way. % If the author names are too long for the running head, use % the following command to specify a shorter version: %\shortauthors{DOE, SMITH \andname\ WILLIAMS} % AMS 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. List one or several, % separated by commas, ending in a period. % Use \classification[2010]{...} for the 2010 system. % Make sure your codes are valid with the system you choose: % \classification{12X34, 55X78.} % Keywords of the article, usually singular, no leading caps, % separated by commas, ending with period. \keywords{homology, homotopy.} % Abstract comes before maketitle. \begin{abstract} % Abstract text, usually no more than 200 words. % Avoid bibliographic references (\cite) and complicated mathematics. % Please do not use custom macros here, as this abstract has to be % able to stand alone with mathjax. You may use standard tex/latex/AMS macros. Sample abstract. \end{abstract} % Please enter the EditFlow identifier for the article here: %\EditFlow{YYMMDD-Name} % Leave these items like this, and the journal will fill them in. \received{Month Day, Year} % receive date (for example: October 11, 1999) \revised{Month Day, Year} % date of revision; omit, if no revision; % if multiple revisions, separate by commas %\accepted{Month Day, Year} % acceptance date \published{Month Day, Year} % publish date \submitted{Bill Murray} % Name of Journal's Editor, who handled Article \volumeyear{2023} % Volume Year \volumenumber{25} % Volume Number \issuenumber{1} % Issue Number \startpage{401} % PageNumber of first page \articlenumber{1} % Sequence number of article within issue % If copyright is retained by the author(s), comment this out: \owner{International Press} \maketitle % Text of Document. Use constructs such as \section, \subsection, % \begin{theorem} ... \end{theorem}, \begin{proof} ... \end{proof}, etc. \section{Introduction} This is the introduction. \begin{theorem} A true statement. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} This is the proof. \end{proof} % Acknowledgements are put at the end of the introduction, in this way: \ack We thank J. Smith for advice during the writing of this paper. \section{Second section} More math. % If you are using hyperref, it will say % Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string % if you use math in a (sub)section title. This is because it uses % the title to produce bookmarks that can be shown in a side panel, % and these can't use math. You can use the \texorpdfstring command % to give an alternate way to render these, possibly using unicode. \section{Section title with math \texorpdfstring{$\sum$}{Σ}} More math. \end{document}
For each author, use the commands below.
This class file should work with any release of the LaTeX version 2e.
The format is always single column 10pt, with a fixed page size.
The class redefines the \le and \leq commands to use the form that amssymb calls \leqslant. The original form is still available as \oldleq. (Similar changes for greater than or equals.)