2018 Hardcover (ISBN 9781571463616)

2018 Hardcover (ISBN 9781571463616)

Surveys in Differential Geometry

Volume 22 (2017)

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Journal of Differential Geometry

Lectures given at the Geometry and Topology Conference at Harvard University in 2017


Huai-Dong Cao (Lehigh University)

Jun Li (Stanford University)

Richard M. Schoen (University of California at Irvine)

Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)

Published: 30 October 2018

Publisher: International Press of Boston, Inc.


414 pages

List Price: $127.50


In 1967, C.-C. Hsiung at Lehigh University had the vision to form the Journal of Differential Geometry (JDG) — a journal dedicated to geometry alone. On the journal’s fiftieth anniversary in 2017, a distinguished group of geometers gathered to present their papers at the annual JDG geometry and topology conference at Harvard University.

This volume presents several of those papers, which include: Denis Auroux on speculations on homological mirror symmetry for hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{C}^n$; Frances Kirwan on variation of non-reductive geometric invariant theory; Camillo De Lellis on the Onsager theorem; Simon Donaldson’s remarks on $G_2$-manifolds with boundary; Daniel Freed on equivariant Chern–Weil forms and determinant lines; Kenji Fukaya on construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic disks; Larry Guth on recent progress in quantitative topology; Blain Lawson on Lagrangian potential theory and a Lagrangian equation of Monge–Ampère type; Alena Pirutka on intersections of three-quadrics in $\mathbb{P}^7$; Bong Lian on period integrals and tautological systems; Yujiro Kawamata on birational geometry and derived categories; Fernando C. Marques on the space of cycles, a Weyl law for minimal hypersurfaces, and Morse index estimates; Duong Phong on new curvature flows in complex geometry; and Steve Zelditch on local and global analysis of nodal sets.

This volume is part of the Surveys in Differential Geometry book series.


Pub. Date





Size, Etc.


List Price

2018 Oct





7” x 10”

In Print
