Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Volume 21 (2023)

Number 2


Robust estimation of effective diffusions from multiscale data

Giacomo Garegnani and Andrea Zanoni

pp. 405-435

Numerical evidence of exponential mixing by alternating shear flows

Li-Tien Cheng, Frederick Rajasekaran, Kin Yau James Wong, and Andrej Zlatoš

pp. 529-541

A derivative-free conjugate gradient method for large-scale nonlinear systems of monotone equations

Jing Gao, Yanran Li, Mingyuan Cao, Yueting Yang, and Xue Bai

pp. 543-557

KAM persistence for multiscale generalized Hamiltonian systems

Weichao Qian, Xue Yang, and Yong Li

pp. 559-579

Fast Communications

Blind super-resolution of point sources via fast iterative hard thresholding

Zengying Zhu, Jinchi Chen, and Weiguo Gao

pp. 581-590