Homology, Homotopy and Applications

Volume 15 (2013)

Number 2

Higher $K$-theory of Koszul cubes

Pages: 9 – 51

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4310/HHA.2013.v15.n2.a2


Satoshi Mochizuki (Department of Mathematics, Chuo University, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, Japan)


The main objective of this paper is to determine generators of the topological filtrations on the higher $K$-theory of a noetherian commutative ring with unit $A$. We introduce the concept of Koszul cubes and give a comparison theorem between the $K$-theory of Koszul cubes with that of topological filtrations.


higher $K$-theory, Koszul cube

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

13D02, 14C35, 19D50

Published 4 December 2014