Homology, Homotopy and Applications

Volume 16 (2014)

Number 1

Graphs associated with simplicial complexes

Pages: 295 – 311

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4310/HHA.2014.v16.n1.a16


A. Grigor’yan (Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld, Germany)

Yu. V. Muranov (Department of Mathematics, Grodno State University, Grodno, Belarus)

Shing-Tung Yau (Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, U.S.A.)


The cohomology of digraphs was introduced for the first time by Dimakis and Müller-Hoissen. Their algebraic definition is based on a differential calculus on an algebra of functions on the set of vertices with relations that follow naturally from the structure of the set of edges. A dual notion of homology of digraphs, based on the notion of path complex, was introduced by the authors, and the first methods for computing the (co)homology groups were developed. The interest in homology on digraphs is motivated by physical applications and relations between algebraic and geometrical properties of quivers. The digraph $G_B$ of the partially ordered set $B_{S}$ of simplexes of a simplicial complex $S$ has graph homology that is isomorphic to the simplicial homology of $S$. In this paper, we introduce the concept of cubical digraphs and describe their homology properties. In particular, we define a cubical subgraph $G_{S}$ of $G_B$, whose homologies are isomorphic to the simplicial homologies of $S$.


(co)homology of digraphs, path complex of a digraph, simplicial homology, cubical digraph, cubical complex, simplicial complex

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

05C25, 18G60, 52C99, 55U10, 57M15

Published 2 June 2014