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Sums of squares of complex vector fields and (analytic-) hypoellipticity
Antonio Bove, Makhlouf Derridj, Joseph J. Kohn, and David S. Tartakoff
pp. 683-701
$L^p$ regularity for Kohn’s operator
Brian Street
pp. 703-711
Extending Kato’s result to elliptic curves with $p$-isogenies
Christian Wuthrich
pp. 713-718
Twisted Burnside theorem for type II${}_1$ groups: an example
Alexander Felshtyn, Evgenij Troitsky, and Anatoly Vershik
pp. 719-728
Modular invariance, modular identities and supersingular $j$-invariants
Antun Milas
pp. 729-746
F-pure thresholds and F-jumping exponents in dimension two
Nobuo Hara
pp. 747-760
Around matrix-tree theorem
Yuri Burman and Boris Shapiro
pp. 761-774
Closure relations for totally nonnegative cells in $G/P$.
K. Rietsch
pp. 775-786
$L^p$-improving properties of X-ray like transforms
Philip T. Gressman
pp. 787-803
A modularity lifting theorem for weight two Hilbert modular forms
Toby Gee
pp. 805-811
All Siegel Hecke eigensystems (mod $p$) are cuspidal
Alexandru Ghitza
pp. 813-823
Parabolic initial boundary value problems in nonsmooth cylinders with data in anisotropic Besov spaces
Tunde Jakab and Marius Mitrea
pp. 825-831