Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 22 (2015)

Number 6


The equivariant complex cobordism ring of a finite abelian group

William C. Abram and Igor Kriz

pp. 1573-1588

Contact 5-manifolds admitting open books with exotic pages

Selman Akbulut and Kouichi Yasui

pp. 1589-1599

Integral $p$-adic Hodge theory — announcement

B. Bhatt, M. Morrow, and P. Scholze

pp. 1601-1612

Bounding the maximum likelihood degree

Nero Budur and Botong Wang

pp. 1613-1620

Poitou–Tate without restrictions on the order

Kęstutis Česnavičius

pp. 1621-1666

Asymmetric hyperbolic $L$-spaces, Heegaard genus, and Dehn filling

Nathan M. Dunfield, Neil R. Hoffman, and Joan E. Licata

pp. 1679-1698

Boundedness of log Calabi–Yau pairs of Fano type

Christopher D. Hacon and Chenyang Xu

pp. 1699-1716

Refined blowups

D. Kaledin and A. Kuznetsov

pp. 1717-1732

Further time regularity for fully non-linear parabolic equations

Héctor A. Chang-Lara and Dennis Kriventsov

pp. 1749-1766

On a fractional Henon equation and applications

Yannick Sire and Jun-Cheng Wei

pp. 1791-1804