Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 29 (2022)

Number 1


On contact invariants of non-simply connected Gorenstein toric contact manifolds

Miguel Abreu, Leonardo Macarini, and Miguel Moreira

pp. 1-42

Four manifolds with no smooth spines

Igor Belegradek and Beibei Liu

pp. 43-58

Complexity and support varieties for type $P$ Lie superalgebras

Brian D. Boe and Jonathan R. Kujawa

pp. 59-100

The local information of difference equations

Moisés Herradón Cueto

pp. 131-192

Szegő kernels and equivariant embedding theorems for CR manifolds

Hendrik Herrmann, Chin-Yu Hsiao, and Xiaoshan Li

pp. 193-246

Embedding non-arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds

Alexander Kolpakov, Stefano Riolo, and Leone Slavich

pp. 247-274

Duals of non-zero square

Hannah R. Schwartz

pp. 275-284