Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

Volume 18 (2022)

Number 5

Special Issue in honor of Professor Benedict Gross’s 70th birthday

Guest Editors: Zhiwei Yun, Shouwu Zhang, and Wei Zhang

The road to GGP

Pages: 2131 – 2157

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4310/PAMQ.2022.v18.n5.a4


Benedict H. Gross (Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.)


The initials GGP stand for a collection of conjectures of Gan, Gross, and Prasad, which bridge representation theory and number theory. In this note, I will recall how Gan, Prasad, and I came to formulate these conjectures. For more details on the conjectures themselves see [17], as well as the surveys [16] and [31].

Received 2 December 2020

Accepted 19 January 2021

Published 12 January 2023