Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

Volume 20 (2024)

Number 1

Special Issue dedicated to Corrado De Concini

Guest Editors: Alberto De Sole, Nicoletta Cantarini, and Andrea Maffei

A $1$-dimensional formal group over the prismatization of $\operatorname{Spf}\:\mathbb{Z}_p$

Pages: 233 – 305

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4310/PAMQ.2024.v20.n1.a7


Vladimir Drinfeld (Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.)


Let $\Sigma$ denote the prismatization of $\operatorname{Spf}\:\mathbb{Z}_p$. The multiplicative group over $\Sigma$ maps to the prismatization of $\mathbb{G}_m \times \operatorname{Spf}\:\mathbb{Z}_p$. We prove that the kernel of this map is the Cartier dual of some $1$-dimensional formal group over $\Sigma$. We obtain some results about this formal group (e.g., we describe its Lie algebra). We give a very explicit description of the pullback of the formal group to the quotient stack $Q/\mathbb{Z}^\times_p$, where $Q$ is the $q$-de Rham prism.


prismatic cohomology, prismatization, $q$-de Rham prism, formal group, Breuil–Kisin twist

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification


Received 22 February 2022

Accepted 29 December 2022

Published 26 March 2024