Statistics and Its Interface

Volume 17 (2024)

Number 1

Special issue in honor of Professor Lincheng Zhao

Guiding light: An essay for Professor Lincheng Zhao on the occasion of his 80th birthday

Pages: 3 – 8



Zhidong Bai (KLASMOE and School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, China)


Lincheng Zhao was admitted to the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 1960, three years before me, and then took a year off due to illness and transferred to the entering class of 1961. We were both not good at socializing, so although we had been classmates for three years, we didn’t know each other. In 1978, when we were both admitted to the Department of Mathematics for graduate studies, we got to know each other. Since then, we have known each other, made friends, and helped each other in all aspects of research and life, and we have become good mentors and friends with each other. On the occasion of Professor Zhao’s 80th birthday, I would like to recall a little of the past events of our acquaintance and friendship to express my gratitude to Academic Elder Brother Zhao.


Berry Esseen bound, Edgeworth expansion, density estimation, directional data, estimation of error variance, linear regression model, shape reconstruction through two orthogonal projections, sum of independent variables

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification


Received 17 December 2022

Accepted 21 December 2022

Published 27 November 2023