Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

Volume 1 (2016)

Number 1


Mathematical sciences related to theoretical physics, engineering, biology and economics

Coordinate-friendly structures, algorithms and applications

Zhimin Peng, Tianyu Wu, Yangyang Xu, Ming Yan, and Wotao Yin

pp. 57-119

Fluid dynamics, numerical linear algebra, imaging, computations related to fluid dynamics, condensed matter physics, etc.

The Chern–Simons number as a dynamical variable

S.-H. Henry Tye and Sam S. C. Wong

pp. 123-147

Large eddy simulation, turbulent transport and the renormalization group

James Glimm, Bradley J. Plohr, Hyunkyung Lim, Wenlin Hu, and David H. Sharp

pp. 149-180

Optimization, wavelet, financial mathematics and mathematical problems related to statistics

Observational cosmology with semi-relativistic stars

Abraham Loeb and James Guillochon

pp. 183-194