2016 Hardcover (ISBN 9781571463272)

2016 Hardcover (ISBN 9781571463272)

Finite Groups: An Introduction

Jean-Pierre Serre (Collège de France, Paris)


Published: 30 December 2016

Publisher: International Press of Boston, Inc.

190 pages

HomeComments & Reviews

Comments & Reviews

… Each chapter is carefully constructed and written, and each is followed by several exercises that either exemplify/illuminate the notions and results just explained or go further by stating some nice results not given in the corresponding chapter … This book is highly recommended to students who want to learn the theory of finite groups but also to colleagues who would like to refresh their knowledge of the subject …

Jean-Paul Allouche

Editor, Book Reviews: European Mathematical Society (EMS) Newsletter

… Not all great mathematicians are also great writers. Jean-Pierre Serre excels at both things. Finite Groups is another wonderful book from one of the great expositors of our time …

Fernando Q. Gouvêa

(For MAA Reviews) Professor of Mathematics at Colby College

…Every page of this book shows gems of mathematical thinking. It shows how hard theorems are proven in a seemingly simple way, how motivating problems lead to new information…

Frans Oort

(in Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Dec. 2017, translated into English)