Communications in Number Theory and Physics

Volume 18 (2024)

Number 1

Rankin–Cohen brackets for Calabi–Yau modular forms

Pages: 1 – 48



Younes Nikdelan (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ))


$\def\M{\mathscr{M}}\def\Rscr{\mathscr{R}}\def\Rsf{\mathsf{R}}\def\Tsf{\mathsf{T}}\def\tildeM{\widetilde{\M}}$For any positive integer $n$, we introduce a modular vector field $\Rsf$ on a moduli space $\Tsf$ of enhanced Calabi–Yau $n$-folds arising from the Dwork family. By Calabi–Yau quasi-modular forms associated to $\Rsf$ we mean the elements of the graded $\mathbb{C}$-algebra $\tildeM$ generated by solutions of $\Rsf$, which are provided with natural weights. The modular vector field $\Rsf$ induces the derivation $\Rscr$ and the Ramanujan–Serre type derivation $\partial$ on $\tildeM$. We show that they are degree $2$ differential operators and there exists a proper subspace $\M \subset \tildeM$, called the space of Calabi–Yau modular forms associated to $\Rsf$, which is closed under $\partial$. Using the derivation $\Rscr$, we define the Rankin–Cohen brackets for $\tildeM$ and prove that the subspace generated by the positive weight elements of $\M$ is closed under the Rankin–Cohen brackets. We find the mirror map of the Dwork family in terms of the Calabi–Yau modular forms.


Rankin-Cohen bracket, modular vector fields, Calabi-Yau modular forms, modular forms, Dwork family, mirror map

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

Primary 11F11, 14J15, 14J32, 16E45. Secondary 13N15, 14J33, 34M45.

Received 9 November 2022

Accepted 19 January 2024

Published 7 June 2024