Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 8 (2001)

Number 3


Proper holomorphic discs in $\C^2$

Franc Forstneric and Josip Globevnik

pp. 257-274

On Heegner points of large conductors

C. Khare and C. S. Rajan

pp. 275-278

Spin $4$-manifolds with signature$=-32$

M. Furuta, Y. Kametani, and H. Matsue

pp. 293-301

Bergman Kernels on Resolutions of Isolated Singularities

Hing-Sun Luk, Stephen S. T. Yau, and Larn-Ying Yeh

pp. 303-319

Topology of Sobolev Mappings

Fengbo Hang and Fanghua Lin

pp. 321-330

Unstable Cohen–Macaulay Algebras

Mara D. Neusel

pp. 347-359

On Elliptic Genera and Foliations

Kefeng Liu, Xiaonan Ma, and Weiping Zhang

pp. 361-376