Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 28 (2021)

Number 6


On $2$-Selmer groups and quadratic twists of elliptic curves

Daniel Barrera Salazar, Ariel Pacetti, and Gonzalo Tornaría

pp. 1633-1659

Diophantine approximation with nonsingular integral transformations

Shrikrishna Dani and Arnaldo Nogueira

pp. 1661-1677

Landau damping for analytic and Gevrey data

Emmanuel Grenier, Toan T. Nguyen, and Igor Rodnianski

pp. 1679-1702

Representing smooth $4$-manifolds as loops in the pants complex

Gabriel Islambouli and Michael Klug

pp. 1703-1738

Decomposition of Lagrangian classes on K3 surfaces

Kuan-Wen Lai, Yu-Shen Lin, and Luca Schaffler

pp. 1739-1763

The double Cayley Grassmannian

Laurent Manivel

pp. 1765-1792

The universal sheaf as an operator

Andrei Neguţ

pp. 1793-1840